About the classes
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The Classes

There are two types of class offered; an in-person class and an on-line class. The in-person class is recommended for anyone not familiar with firearms or needing more than just a safety "refresher".

For the in-person class training involves mostly listening, although questions are encouraged. There is a small amount of hands-on practical demonstrations of some aspects of different firearms types, but no live-fire. The course content is described here. This page also covers the difference in content between the in-person course and the online course.

The online class is described here. Click the "buy Now" button on the top right of that page to register for the course. Online courses are on-demand and self-paced, so you don't have to wait for a specific scheduled time.

In-person classes are conducter at a mutually conenient time and location (most often, your house). For many reasons, these work best with a group rather than a single individual. During COVID restrictions, I tried Zoom classes rather than meeting in person. These worked better than I expected, so they will continue to be offered. See here for details.

Instructor Certification

The course instructor is NRA certified.


The standard price for face to face/zoomtraining is $35 ($15 for the online training with the original $10 price still available for those that need it)

Although I consider the price to be reasonable for what is delivered, and as you can probably work out for yourself, I don't make a huge profit on this activity, I do realize that with things as they are, $35 might not be that easy for people to find, especially when there is $100 (thanks Kate!) to find for the CHL itself, another $15 for fingerprints etc. etc.

For those that really are in financial difficulty, we can usually work to reduce the price. If money is a real issue, don't let that stand in your way. Talk to me and we will see what we can do.

The online course is a cheap option and satisfies the legal requirements if you are already somewhat familiar with firearms and with the responsibilities and potential issues of carrying a concealed handgun.